How to Reassure Your Customer Their Payment is Secure

Nov 4, 2012 by

How to Reassure Your Customer Their Payment is Secure

In this day and age with everything going digital, customer are very much concerned about fraud, more specifically credit card fraud. If you are a merchant with a merchant account that allows you to take credit or debit card payments, you will have customers that are concerned about their privacy.

You, as a merchant, will need to let your customers know that their credit card information is safe and secure. You can offer them a credit card security tutorial. This can be done though email where you send them information on how to protect their privacy and tips of fraud prevention. Also let them know when you have taken steps with your merchant account to implement fraud protection features.

Another way you can help protect credit card data is to work directly with the credit card companies. Most major carriers such as MasterCard and Visa will offer measures to assist with fraud prevention. For instance, Visa tells merchants to give their customers receipts which have just the last four numbers of the card on it and have the machine produce codes to hide the rest of the data. This way if the customer loses their receipt, whoever picks it up will not see the whole card number.

Getting your customers inside your store to look around and purchase items is the easy part. However, assuring them that their credit card information is safe and secure is a whole other ballgame. You will need to convince your customers that when you process their credit card, their information is safe. Once you have their trust on that issue, they will no doubt be repeat customers.

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